英文繪本 • 32 pages • 14 x 21 cm
在布萊斯夫人的 25 隻老鼠中,除了一隻之外,所有的事情都一起做。當老鼠遇到一隻貓時,這隻老鼠的不同之處就派上用場了,當十二隻老鼠跑到這裡,十二隻跑到那裡時,這隻老鼠跑到這裡,跑到那裡,把貓累壞了,救了它們所有人。簡單、優雅的重複文字和明亮的圖畫將使聰明的小老鼠成為學齡前英雄。
Among Mrs. Brice's 25 mice, all but one do everything together. And this mouse's difference 'comes in handy when the mice meet a cat, and while twelve run this way and twelve run that, this mouse runs this way and that, wearing out the cat and saving them all. The simple, gracefully repetitive text and bright drawings will make a preschool hero of the clever little mouse.'