An I Can Read Book Series - Stanley

英文繪本 • 64 pages • 14 x 21 cm

史丹利不是普通的穴居人。這讓其他穴居人非常生氣,把他趕走了。但史丹利只是繼續與眾不同,正如其他人很快就會看到的那樣,與眾不同畢竟不是一個壞主意。 史丹利是一個有趣的故事,傳達著永恆的訊息。正如《兒童讀物及其創作者》所評論的那樣:"幽默地展示了一個不墨守成規的人如何能夠為他的社會帶來巨大的改變。" 這本由《丹尼與恐龍》作者西德霍夫 (Syd Hoff) 創作的 1 級「我能閱讀」經典作品非常適合兒童學習發音單字和句子。 

Stanley is no ordinary caveman. This makes the other cavemen so angry that they chase him away. But Stanley just goes on being different, and as the others soon see, different isn't such a bad idea after all.
Stanley is a funny story with a timeless message. As Children's Book and Their Creators commented:"Humorously demonstrates how one nonconformist can make a tremendous difference to his society."
This Level 1 I Can Read classic by Syd Hoff, author of Danny and the Dinosaur, is perfect for children learning to sound out words and sentences.  

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