英文紙板書 English Board Book • 12 pages
故事大綱: 貓頭鷹陪你看星星,拉拉轉轉遊戲書的造型,溫暖又豐富的色調,好舒服的童謠書!掃描QR code 可聽歌!星星出來了!貓頭鷹咕嚕咕嚕的大眼睛,陪小朋友一起看星星喔!滑一滑,貓頭鷹眼睛可以合起來喔!到山坡上視野更好,看!流星劃過天空耶(轉轉盤);趕上露營風潮,戶外紮營,小兔子掀開營帳門(拉一拉,營門打開,貓頭鷹也會彈出來駐紮守夜)看夜景正看得起勁呢!貓頭鷹綿羊和夥伴大熊早就睡著了~
This new series of bright, slider board books featuring perennially popular nursery rhymes bursts with energy and cheering illustrations.Each book also comes with five slider mechanisms, and both an instrumental and vocal version of the nursery rhyme - simply scan the QR code on the first page for little ones to listen and sing along!