I Can Read Series - Danny and the Dinosaur and the New Puppy

英文繪本故事書 English Picture Book • 32 pages • 15 x 23 cm   

丹尼得到了一隻全新的小狗,恐龍迫不及待地想加入其中!當你和恐龍玩接球遊戲或讓他翻身時會發生什麼事? 這是一本我能讀的一級書,非常適合孩子們學習發音單字和句子。 

Danny gets a brand-new puppy, and the dinosaur can't wait to join in on the fun! What happens when you play fetch with a dinosaur or ask him to roll over?

This is a Level One I Can Read book that is perfect for children learning to sound out words and sentences.

15.00 HKD
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